Ok, I really wanted to do a summer break, but one thing has to be done.
Something new, Belt holder for reusable festival cups.

Photography, Leatherworks, Digital Art and Design
Hy, – so the sun is coming thru the window, it’s getting a bit warmer now.
Time to do some other things. I take a break at the leather works, for some weeks.
Here ‘s a little Leather Video from me:
See You..
Hey, see the guys on Tour 2018
The gallery with leather work is being continuously updated, just have a look.
too see more, klick here
I love the little intelligent lights from ApeLabs.
They making so much fun.
There are so much posibilitys with the lights
I use them together with 3 Varytec TrussLights.
On my Digital Jukebox i use AlbumPlayer. When the PC is on, it runs
AlbumPlayer and Daslight4 DMX Software.
The Daslight Software controls the DMX via Lan,
so that i can use my Tablet to controll the software.
I like the way it works:
-When PC is on. DasLight controls the DMX signal.
-When PC is off. The DVC4-GZM falls back, to the stand-allone mode, and controls the Lights
-When i turn off the DVC4-GZM,then the DMX signal is lost.
Then the Ape Labs mini and my Ape Labs Lightcans fall back, to the remote-control mode. And they are still working, until the Batterys are empty.
The New ApeLight Par 56/64 (audio in german)
Like to introduce you: AlbumPlayer the best Jukebox software i think.
I’ve just created a “skin”, based on the default V6-skin “Media Center”. I call it GoldTop, so it looks more like a Pioneer Receiver
Hera are some screenshots:
a small video:
And here you can download the skin:
copy the files to: C:\Program Files (x86)\AlbumPlayer\Skins60
(maybe the path looks a little different on your hard drive)
DIY concrete desk lamp with USB charging socket for mobile devices
Things used: